Shandong to On-lend Over 100 Billion Yuan for 5,000 Enterprises This Year

Source:The seanews 05-25-2023 14:35:00

The private economy plays an important role in building a strong and modern province. Song Wenjian, Member of the Leading Party Members' Group and Deputy Director General of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province, said that Shandong would organize 100 special investment and financing roadshow and matchmaking events this year to achieve effective results in accurate and efficient industry-finance matchmaking. He added Shandong would select at least 1,000 high-growth enterprises for listing cultivation. The enterprises include those use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products, and gazelle and unicorn companies. Shandong will also continue to provide emergency on-lending services and strive to provide more than 100 billion yuan of on-lending funds for 5,000 enterprises throughout the year.

Shandong will plan and implement a slew of more valuable, innovative policies and measures to build a "1+N" policy support system for the private economy. More than 10 publicity and implementation activities of preferential policies will be held for enterprises, driving no less than 100 activities throughout the province. Shandong will create accurate personas of private small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and accurately publicize preferential policies for no less than 1.2 million enterprises within this year.

In addition, Shandong will include more than 100 newly cultivated enterprises in the national pilot project for the digital transformation of SMEs this year, cultivate no less than 20 provincial-level characteristic industrial clusters of SMEs, and cultivate about 10 or so advanced counties (cities and districts) with high-standard private economy.