GACC Issues 14 Measures to Support Shandong in Deepening Replacement of Old Growth Drivers with New ones and Promoting Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development

Source:The seanews 01-13-2023 10:19:10

The General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) has developed 14 specific measures around four aspects—encouraging emerging characteristic industries to grow bigger and stronger, supporting the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries, promoting the efficient flow of factors for the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, and helping open platforms unleash the agglomeration driving effect, so as to fully support Shandong in deepening the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones and promoting green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

GACC will support the construction of major industrial projects in Shandong and facilitate the import of nuclear power, wind power, hydrogen energy and other clean energy equipment and key components. It will support the development of modern agriculture and marine industry in Shandong and set up green channels for local inspection of imported and exported fresh and perishable agricultural and food products. It will help improve the collection and distribution efficiency of the ports in Shandong and expand the application scope of "intelligent terminals". It will also support Shandong Pilot Free Trade Zone in strengthening the innovation of the customs control system, and the relevant reform and innovation system will be prioritized to be replicated and promoted in the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone and comprehensive bonded zones.