Shandong Signs 146 million dollar-worth Contracts with Japan and South Korea

Source:The seanews 01-04-2023 09:55:53

A few days ago, 20 enterprises in the Shandong Trade Delegation set off to Japan and South Korea in two batches. Within more than ten days, these enterprises have reported a steady flow of good news.

At present, the delegation has signed 20 new contracts with Japan, with a contract value of 26.275 million US dollars, and reached 24 cooperation intentions with an intended transaction amount of 263 million dollars; it has signed 15 contracts with South Korea—with a contract value of 120 million dollars—and 21 intended cooperation agreements with an amount of 269 million dollars. The Shandong Trade Delegation has realized a contract value of 146 million dollars and an intended transaction amount of 532 million dollars.

In the face of the grim situation of foreign trade, continuously reduced orders, and concerns of enterprises over going global, Shandong has taken active measures to let the government lead and escort enterprises to go global, demonstrating its determination to promote trade and safeguard market development by grouping up enterprises to go global for business contracts. This undoubtedly sends a more positive signal to enterprises. While good news keeps pouring in, more Shandong-based enterprises are poised to go overseas. By the middle of next month, they will hold trade promotion activities in such countries and regions as Vietnam, Malaysia, and the EU, with the assistance of specially-assigned officials from the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province.