Shandong Private Enterprises See Booming Imports and Exports for 33 Consecutive Months

Source:The seanews 12-15-2022 09:17:36

According to customs data, Shandong Province's export and import trade reached 3 trillion yuan in the first 11 months, a figure higher than the volume throughout the last year, showing that Shandong's growth in imports and exports is higher than the national average. As of November this year, the year-on-year growth momentum has been maintained for 33 months.

Since 2020, Shandong has launched a series of policies to effectively bail out troubled enterprises. It enables an online service platform for stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, which involves more than 32,000 foreign businesses across the province. So far, the service of "one policy for one enterprise" has solved about 3,000 problems of enterprises. Meanwhile, Shandong has quickened its step for industrial transformation and technological upgrading. It issued the 2022 Action Plan for Industrial and Technological Improvement, which proposed that 10,000 technological transformation projects worth more than 5 million yuan will be implemented by the end of this year, with a total investment of 500 billion yuan, up 6%. It also proposed more efforts will be made to upgrade production capacity and traditional industries while fully facilitating the manufacturing industry toward more high-end, intelligent, green, service-oriented, and ecological development. Shandong is also efficient at grasping opportunities from national opening-up. It has recently organized enterprises to enhance business contacts in Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, and other markets, broadening development space for foreign trade businesses.