Shandong Made 22 Deployments To Accelerate The Construction Of A Strong Advanced Manufacturing Industry Province

Source:The seanews 11-15-2022 17:07:46

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the Action Plan for the Construction of Strong Advanced Manufacturing Industry Province (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), and made 22 work arrangements for accelerating the construction of a strong advanced manufacturing industry province.

According to the Action Plan, Shandong Province should adhere to the "345" promotion idea of "overcoming three difficulties, improving the four industries, and promoting five modernizations", speed up the solution to the problems of weak innovation ability, heavy industrial structure, and tight resource elements, and make greater efforts to convert and optimize low-efficiency production, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, develop a forward-looking plan for future industries, and make every effort to promote the high-end, intelligent, green, service-oriented and ecological development of manufacturing industry. By 2025, the added value of the manufacturing industry will account for about 30% of the province's GDP, and the output value of high-tech industries will account for about 50% of the total industrial output value above designated size by unremitting efforts.