Shandong Has Established 16 Industrial Measuring and Testing Centers and 37% of its 43 Key Industrial Chains

Source:The seanews 11-07-2022 09:46:53

As announced at the press conference recently held by the Information Office of Shandong Provincial Government, since 2015, Shandong Administration for Market Regulation has been focusing on core measuring techniques in major industries and sectors like carbon fiber, high-speed trains and internal combustion engines, and founded 16 industrial measuring and testing centers. By now, 37% of the 43 key industrial chains have been established all over the province.

As introduced by Zhao Fengyong, director of the Measurement Department of Shandong Administration for Market Regulation, they have launched 81 studies on prospective measuring and testing techniques and carried out 100 studies on measuring methods and measuring equipment development as well as 74 studies on core generic technologies in Shandong Province. Meanwhile, they are improving their measuring service level and guiding enterprises to achieve collaborative innovation and resource sharing. So far, they have kept deep-level cooperation and communication with 111 scientific research institutes and founded 16 laboratories jointly with these institutes.

Zhao Fengyong said, based on the province’s strategic development layout, Shandong Administration for Market Regulation would build more than 10 industrial measuring and testing centers in other sectors like biological pharmacy, high-end equipment manufacturing and new energy and materials, and strive to establish a modern industrial measurement system catering to the call of the times and the needs of industries in Shandong.