Shandong Includes Modern Light Industry and Textile Industry in the "Top Ten" Industries for Growth Drivers Transformation

Source:The seanews 03-31-2022 14:29:25

This year, Shandong includes the modern light industry and textile industry in the "Top Ten" industries for growth drivers transformation to further promote high-quality industrial development. Recently, Yan Jie, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province held a press conference in the Information Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government. He introduced that this year Shandong prepares the 2022 Action Plan for Modern Light Industry and Textile Industry to focus on six major actions, and constantly optimize the supply of industries to better meet the needs of the people for a better life.

The six actions include carrying out the industrial chain and supply chain optimization and upgrading actions, intelligent green transformation actions, market stabilization and consumption expansion actions and industrial cluster upgrading actions. At the same time as carrying out the six actions, Shandong will also establish and improve the coordination and promotion mechanism of the modern light industry and textile industry, further optimize the development environment, increase the policy supply, strengthen financial and insurance support, and enhance the level of trade facilitation. In addition, Shandong will also accelerate the cultivation of a 100-billion-level enterprise with national leading comprehensive strength, more than twenty 10-billion-level enterprises, and strive to create 40 national cluster brands with high regional influence, 200 corporate brands with high industry influence, 500 end-consumer brands with high market reputation. Thus, to strive for the development goal of sustained improvement of comprehensive competitiveness, innovation, branding and industrial ecology.