13 Provincial Strategic Emerging Industry Clusters Added in Shandong

Source:The seanews 03-29-2022 10:43:09

Recently the Shandong Development and Reform Commission has released the second list of strategic emerging industry clusters. 13 integrated industry clusters including Qingdao's industrial Internet industry cluster are on the list. With the addition of the 12 previously unveiled industry clusters, there are now a total of 25 strategic emerging industry clusters in Shandong.

These strategic emerging industries include next-generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, environmental protection, aerospace and marine equipment, cover the vast majority of advanced manufacturing industries and modern service industries, and represent the direction of future industrial transformation.

The 13 newly unveiled provincial strategic emerging industry clusters build on Shandong's industrial foundation and advantage, focus on the direction of the new-round scientific revolution and industrial transformation, include Shandong's advantageous industries such as next-generation information technology, high-end equipment, new energy, new materials and healthcare, and aim to foster new growth points in future-oriented emerging fields such as aerospace, industrial Internet and AI.