Department of Commerce of Shandong Province: Six Measures to Promote Foreign Trade and Stabilize Foreign Investment

Source:The seanews 03-17-2022 16:35:14

The reporter learned from the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province that, focusing on optimizing the global business environment, Shandong has promoted the implementation of a series of initiatives to optimize the global business environment to a high standard, with foreign trade and foreign investment witnessing stable growth.

Ensure fair access to the market for market participants. Shandong will carry out in depth the Negative List for Foreign Investment Access, ensure fair treatment of foreign-invested enterprises in China, and improve the long-term mechanism for removing hidden barriers to market access.

Improve the functions of "Shandong Platform to Stabilize Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment". Shandong will promote the establishment of the working mechanism of information sharing of enterprise demands, online inquiry of working processes, tracking and supervision. It will also establish a mechanism for normalizing global logistics aid.

Carry out the project to cultivate cross-border e-commerce participants at the provincial level. In order to further support cross-border e-commerce, Shandong will promote the recognition of cross-border e-commerce platforms, e-commerce industrial parks, etc. By the end of December, 15 cross-border e-commerce platforms, 20 cross-border e-commerce industrial parks, 50 public overseas warehouses were recognized and received a maximum of RMB 500,000 of provincial financial support.

Make cross-border trade management more international. Shandong will develop RCEP Qingdao pilot innovation base for economic and trade cooperation. It has also supported pilot free trade zones in developing demonstration zones for promoting import trade and innovation, and promoted institutional innovation in import regulation, business models and supporting services.

Promote institutional innovation in development zones and functional zones. Shandong will strengthen systematic and integrated institutional innovation in pilot free trade zones, promote coordinated innovation in pilot free trade zones with economic development zones, high-tech zones, and special customs supervision zones, and develop pilot free trade zones into coordinated innovation zones. It will move faster to develop innovative systems for replicating and promoting pilot free trade zones in development zones and special customs supervision zones.

Accelerate the upgrading of the comprehensive bonded zone. Centering on the five aspects of "processing and manufacturing, R&D and design, logistics allocation, testing and maintenance, and sales and service", Shandong will accelerate the cultivation of leading industries and strengthen backbone enterprises. It will promote innovation in supervision models and support enterprises in the comprehensive bonded region in vigorously securing bonding. It will also further leverage the policies of the comprehensive pilot zone of cross-border e-commerce in the comprehensive bonded zone of the 9 cities, and expand the import and export of cross-border e-commerce in the province.