Shandong, Israel promote cooperation in agricultural technology

Source:sd.china 01-12-2022 10:05:44

The Israel-Shandong Business Matchmaking Conference on Agricultural Technology, part of the "2021 Dialogue with Shandong" business promotion events, was held on Dec 21 in Jinan, capital of Shandong province.

Last year, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Shandong Sub-council and relevant Israeli business associations have held two business matchmaking activities on medicine, pharmacy, and water technology to strengthen cooperation between Shandong and Israel. The conference on agricultural technology exchange was a continuation of the series.

"Israel is famous for becoming an agricultural power as a desert country. Its advanced agricultural science and technology and development concepts are worth emulating for Shandong," said Yu Fenggui, chairman of the CCPIT Shandong Sub-council.

According to Yu, next year Shandong will continue to host a Shandong-Israel business promotion event for the agriculture industry, so as to create a new model of China-Israel cooperation.

Irit Ben-Abba Vitale, Israeli ambassador to China, said that China and Israel will soon celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties. Over the years, cooperation between Israel and China has been increasing in various areas.

The cooperation between Shandong and Israel is an example of innovative cooperation between Israel and China, said the ambassador, adding that Shandong province boasts a leading position in agricultural scale and output, which is complementary to Israel's innovative technology.

Agricultural institutes and enterprises from Shandong and Israel also promoted their projects and cutting-edge technology at the conference via online channels.