Shandong’s Digital Economy Gets Off to Flying Start with Output Value of Over 3 Trillion Yuan

Source:The seanews 07-19-2021 14:45:00

Big data, cloud computing, industrial Internet, smart city development…digitalization is making an unprecedented impact on our production and life. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has conducted a series of important deployments for cyber power and digital China building.

As a major economic province, populous province and sci-tech province, Shandong boasts a solid foundation and broad prospect for digitalization construction, and is facing a great opportunity for strong digital province building. The CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the Shandong Provincial People's Government have earnestly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction, seized the major opportunity of the new-round scientific revolution and industrial reform, accelerated the development of the digital economy, stepped up digital infrastructure construction, enhanced the effects of digital government and society development, fostered a fine digital ecology, and pressed ahead with digital transformation and development in all economic and social fields. With an output value of over 3 trillion yuan in 2020, Shandong's digital economy has become a key driver for the sustainable growth of Shandong's economy. Shandong is getting to a flying start in terms of big data and advancing strong digital province building in depth to benefit the current and future development of Shandong.

Shandong has recently unveiled the first 301 smart communities (residential quarters) supported by the province, and coordinated the efforts of urban areas and rural areas on digital development, so as to overcome the final hurdles for smart public services. According to Lu Xiumin, Shandong will strive to build over 5,000 smart communities (residential quarters) by 2025. Now Shandong is pressing ahead with digitalization in a broader range, at a higher level and to a deeper degree, and constantly achieving new breakthroughs and results in strong digital province building.