Shandong hosts events for CPC centenary celebrations 06-24-2021 09:59:19

A series of events will be held in Shandong province to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, according to a news conference held on June 22 by the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee.

A Party-wide campaign on CPC history learning and education will be launched. By studying Party history, all Party members and cadres must remind themselves of their oath of loyalty to the Party, deliver benefits to the people, and exercise strict self-discipline, stressed Shandong authorities. 

Seminars and symposiums on theoretical study will be held to celebrate the CPC's centenary.

An awards ceremony for the July 1 Medal and outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers and advanced community-level Party organizations will be held.

Themed exhibitions that chronicle the founding of the CPC as well as the Party's efforts and achievements over the past 100 years will be held across the province.

A series of theatrical performances will also be staged. A series of literature and artworks and publications and Party-themed publicity and education activities will be held.