Shandong Province Strengthens the Co-construction of Talent Carrier Platforms with Extraprovincial High-level Universities and Institutes

Source:Haibao News 09-19-2023 12:47:53

Recently, the Talent Office of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee issued Several Measures on Strengthening the Co-construction of Talent Carrier Platforms with Extraprovincial High-level Universities and Institutes and Contributing to the Formation of a Wild-Geese-Flying Pattern for Talent Agglomeration. The document has put forward to provide support for universities in the province to pursue high-quality development and build joint platforms with extraprovincial high-level universities to gather and use talents with greater efforts and in a better way and inject strong momentum into forming a wild-geese-flying pattern for talent agglomeration with Shandong's characteristics at a faster pace.
Specifically, the measures are focused on seven aspects: incorporating joint carrier platforms into the innovation system, establishing a regular liaison mechanism, providing support for collaborative graduate programs, supporting in-depth cooperation with institutions in the province, supporting the construction of innovation platforms to undertake major sci-tech innovation tasks, granting greater autonomy, and expanding cooperation with extraprovincial high-level universities and institutes.

Meanwhile, the document has proposed to give joint carrier platforms greater autonomy in the use of financial support funds according to the co-construction agreement; and support joint carrier platforms characterized by talent and intellectual concentration, standardized internal management, and strong innovation capabilities to independently assess professional titles according to the management authority.