Binzhou Issues “27 Items of New Talent Policy” of 2022

Source:The seanews 08-23-2022 17:09:24

Recently, Binzhou City officially rolled out the “27 Items of New Talent Policy” of 2022 (namely, the Opinions on Implementation of the “Three Entries and Three Creations” Talent Project and Accelerated Building of Prosperous Binzhou of Higher Level). Regarding 10 subsidy supports in the New Talent Policy, Binzhou City took the leading place in Shandong Province. Particularly in 5 items of the 10 subsidy supports, it ranked first among its counterparts within the province. By doing so, Binzhou City provides the talents with the optimal policy and service supports in the whole talent chain (including introduction, education, employment, retention, and evaluation), in an effort to build a regional talent pooling highland with vital influence and characteristics throughout the country.

Build high-quality talent team

Persist in top support to top-notch talents, and bring together leading sci-tech talents. For CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and CAE (Chinese Academy of Engineering) academicians and “Case-by-Case Approval” top-notch talents who are declared in Binzhou City, the subsidy of RMB 6 million will be given to an expert, and a subsidy of RMB 3 million will be given to the expert’s unit. For key talent and engineering experts above the provincial level, up to RMB 2.40 million of subsidy will be given to an expert and the expert’s unit respectively. Binzhou City will strongly support young talents: it will give a living subsidy of RMB 5,000, RMB 2,000, and RMB 1,000 respectively to talents with a full-time doctoral degree, master’s degree, and bachelor’s degree who serve enterprises or start a self-employment career, and the subsidy will be given for three consecutive years. In case the talent comes from colleges and universities under the “Double First-class” Initiative Program or the World Top 200 Universities, the subsidies given will increase by 50%. Those qualified professional technicians and high-skilled talents will enjoy the same treatment. In addition, to support the development of local education and health undertakings, qualified talents with a doctoral degree, which is introduced by Binzhou-based colleges & universities, colleges and universities directly under Binzhou City, scientific research institutes, and public hospitals may enjoy up to RMB 7,500 of subsidy per month. In addition, Binzhou City will carry out the “Echelon Training Campaign for 100,000 Skilled Talents”, and organize the “Gold, Silver, Copper Master Award” appraisal. It will give up to RMB 500,000 of subsidy to the WorldSkills Competition and the Chinese Skill Contest winners, and give a one-off reward of RMB 2,000, RMB 4,000, and RMB 5,000 respectively to the senior worker, technician, and senior technician, in order to build a craftsman-oriented skilled talent team.

Stress supply of highly-matched talents

Insist on the “Talents Leading Development” strategy and promote in-depth fusion of talent chain and industrial chain. Binzhou City will implement the “Sci-tech Reward System” to meet major technical requirements, and it will give enterprises subsidies equivalent to up to 30% of the R & D investment. Binzhou City will implement the “City Internship Program”, set up a “City Internship Base”, and give enterprises and interns the subsidy (namely, RMB 1,000/person/month). Binzhou City will build the Joint Introduction and Employment of Talents with Doctoral Degree by School and Enterprise, streamline the school & enterprise staffing work, and make talents in the school enjoy the corporate salary treatment. Binzhou City persists in the principle of focusing on talent use rather than talent retention and rewards the talent employment unit according to 20% of the remuneration for the flexible introduction of talent. Each year, the city organizes a series of brand events such as “Win in Binzhou” mass entrepreneurship and innovation contest, college student entrepreneurship contest, and Bohai vocational skills competition, in order to encourage domestic and overseas talents to settle and start up businesses in Binzhou with their projects and teams. Binzhou City carries out corporate talent classification and self-evaluation and authorizes the enterprises to rate the talents, with selected talents being given municipal-level talent title and treatment.

Build a high-energy level talent platform

Stress the platform empowerment. Binzhou City gives a subsidy of RMB 5 million, RMB 3 million, and RMB 2 million respectively to the state-level key laboratory, provincial-level laboratory, and provincial-level key laboratory, as well as gives a subsidy of RMB 1 million and RMB 300,000 respectively to the state/provincial-level engineering research center and corporate technical center, in order to expedite the commercialization of sci-tech achievements. Binzhou City will newly build an academician workstation and overseas high-level talent workstation and provide a subsidy of up to RMB 500,000. Particularly, it will provide a subsidy of RMB 200,00 for postdoctoral research workstation, in order to set up a platform for talents. Binzhou City encourages enterprises to build R & D center at home and abroad, and give a subsidy of up to RMB 3 million to enterprises selected into offshore innovation and entrepreneurship bases of Shandong Province, with a view to striving for innovation resources from all over the world.

Foster excellent talent ecosphere

Uphold's “Making talent comfortable” notion to build a whole-chain, total-factor, and full-cycle talent service system. Laying stress on financial empowerment, Binzhou City has set up the talent innovation and entrepreneurship fund with assets under management (AUM) of RMB 100 million, in order to strongly support excellent innovation & entrepreneurship projects and startups. High-level entrepreneurial talents in the city are entitled to the Talent Credit of up to RMB 10 million. Binzhou City has built 10,000 talented apartments with completed decoration: those with junior college education background are entitled to the housing application, those with a bachelor’s degree or above may live here rent-free in the first two years, and college students who come to Binzhou for job opportunities may live here rent-free for up to 1 month. Binzhou City will give housing purchase subsidies of RMB 300,000, RMB 100,000, and RMB 50,000 respectively to talents with a full-time doctoral degree, master’s degree, and bachelor’s degree who serve Binzhou-based enterprises and purchase the house for the first time, with housing provident fund loan of up to RMB 1 million being granted. By doing so, Binzhou City resolves housing problems for its talents. Besides, it will better spouse resettlement, children's education, and medical security services, etc., and provide the talents with reassuring and comfy working & living environment.