Policies on Supporting the Building of Top Talent Teams in Shandong

Source:The seanews 02-28-2022 14:22:00

Supportive Measures

1. Provide academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering living in Shandong quotas for provincial-level talent projects and support them in building their own talent teams; 2. Include all qualified core members of the top talent teams introduced through the "One Project One Discussion" system in the Taishan talent project.

Application Requirements

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering living in Shandong; top talent teams introduced through the "One Project One Discussion" system

Policy Implementation Process

The policies will be implemented by the Shandong Provincial Party Committee Organization Department according to the rules of provincial-level talent projects and the  "One Project One Discussion".

Responsible Division

Talent Work Division of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee Organization Department

Contact Information
