Sub-Section Supervisor of Plant Bioassay

Source:Tai’an City 02-28-2022 10:47:25

City: Tai’an City

Employer: Shandong Pengbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Industry Sector: High-efficiency modern agriculture

Major Field: Agriculture

Post Title: Sub-Section Supervisor of Plant Bioassay

Number of Required Posts: 2

Timeline for Post Application: May 2022

Expected Duty Time: January 2022

Time Requirements for Working in Shandong: January 2022

Job Responsibilities:

1. The applicant will take charge of the design and writing of experimental scheme for plant bioassay.

2. The applicant will sort out and analyze the experimental data of bioassay in the laboratory and field.

3. The applicant will be responsible for the molecular mechanism research experiment of bioassay and the analysis of transcriptome data.

4. The applicant should actively communicate with the superior for the problems found in the experiment, so as to solve them timely.

5. The applicant should actively accomplish other work temporarily assigned by the superior.

Age Requirements: Under 40 years old

Educational Requirements: Master degree

Job Qualification:

1. Those with a bachelor degree or above, majoring in agronomy (agronomy, bioscience, plant protection, horticulture, agricultural resources and environment, etc.) are preferred;

2. The applicant should have the ability to design and prepare the bioassay experiment scheme, as well as sort out and analyze the data;

3. Those having the capacity to conduct molecular mechanism research and transcriptome analysis are preferred;

4. Those with working experience in plant nutrition, plant protection, reproductive development of plant and plant stress resistance bioassay are preferred;

Support Conditions and Benefits Provided by Employer:

The R & D center covers an area of 1,800 m2, equipped with more than 300 sets of equipment, and has established cooperation with more than 20 universities and scientific research institutions for scientific research. The company will provide support for employees in on-the-job continuing education. Also offered are free accommodation, as well as social insurance and housing fund.

Local Policies for Talent Support and Subsidies:

Supporting policies in Tai’an High-tech Zone:

1. The “one policy for one person” will be implemented for the entrepreneurship of high-level talents, with the provision of initial funds of up to RMB 10 million.

The “One Project One Discussion” will be implemented on a trial basis for top talent projects, without cap on support funds.

2. Talents introduced by enterprise with employment contract signed and who have applied for and have been selected into national and provincial high-level talents in the High-tech Zone will be rewarded with up to RMB 3 million and RMB 2 million respectively; talents introduced by enterprises with flexible employment and who have applied for and have been selected into national and provincial high-level talents in the High-tech Zone will be rewarded with up to RMB 2 million and RMB 1 million respectively.

3. Undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD graduates from ordinary universities and key universities introduced by enterprises with a full-time employment will be provided with a rent subsidy of RMB 400, 600, 1,500 and 3,000 per month for three consecutive years.

PhD students introduced from “Double First-Class” universities will be granted RMB 20,000 at one time; postgraduate students introduced from “Double First-Class” universities will be granted RMB 10,000 at one time; undergraduate graduates introduced from “Double First-Class” universities will be granted RMB 5,000 as one-time reward.

4. High-end talents introduced by enterprises will be provided with an expert apartment of 50 square meters without rent for 3 years.

5. The talent specialist of the High-tech Zone will provide one-to-one service to carry out the whole-process service of talent policy consultation, the whole-process agency of talent projects, the whole-process connection of talent demand and supply, as well as the whole-process handling of “four whole-process basic work” of talent base structure. The aim is to build a talent service brand featuring “whole-process assistance”, including the “service for entering the Zone, policy for promoting innovation, assistance in business incubation, assistance in initial financing, assistance in transformation achievement and assistance in industry growth”.

Expected Country, Region and Institution of Candidate: Unlimited

Employer Contact: Yu Nana

Contact Number: 18053842330

Contact E-mail: