Scientific Researcher

Source:Tai’an City 02-28-2022 10:47:25

City: Tai’an City

Employer: Shandong Zhongkang Guochuang Advanced Technology Research Institute of Dyeing and Finishing Co. Ltd

Industry Sector: New energy & materials

Major Field: Material

Post Title: Scientific Researcher

Number of Required Posts: 2

Timeline for Post Application: July 1, 2022

Expected Duty Time: July 1, 2022

Time Requirements for Working in Shandong: Full-time staff

Job Responsibilities:

The applicant will be engaged in the research on the high-quality fabric, functional textile material, and other directions;

Age Requirements: Under 40 years old

Educational Requirements: PhD

Job Qualification:

1. The applicant should specialize in textile engineering, textile chemistry, dyeing and finishing engineering, textile materials and other related majors;

2. The applicant should have good writing ability of scientific research papers and relevant experimental operation skills;

3. The applicant should have aspiration to engage in relevant research, and possess good professional basic knowledge, strong autonomous learning ability and pioneering spirit.

Support Conditions and Benefits Provided by Employer:The company will pay social insurance and housing fund, and offer legal holidays and paid annual leave, with the provision of expert apartment, and physical examination for employees. Also offered are performance pay, project bonus, holiday benefits, birthday benefits, team construction, etc. The salary and benefits are competitive, which can be negotiable face to face based on the individual ability.

Local Policies for Talent Support and Subsidies:

The talent policies in city will be implemented in accordance with the “Golden Ten” New Policies for Talents and Supporting Rules in Tai’an City and the Talent Support Policy for Establishment of “National Advanced Printing and Dyeing Innovation Center”.

The company will provide free or affordable house according to the length of service, as well as the support in applying for various talent programs.

Expected Country, Region and Institution of Candidate: None

Employer Contact: Li Rong

Contact Number: 18660859969/0538-8526779

Contact E-mail: