Water Treatment Engineer

Source:Tai’an City 02-28-2022 10:47:25

City: Tai’an City

Employer: Shandong Taikai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry Sector: Green chemical industry

Major Field: Water treatment

Post Title: Water Treatment Engineer

Number of Required Posts: 2

Timeline for Post Application: December  2022

Expected Duty Time: June 2022

Time Requirements for Working in Shandong: Full-time staff

Job Responsibilities:

1. The applicant will take charge of the engineering design of water treatment and the preparation of product engineering process documents; 2. The applicant will take charge of the development of new water treatment products; the applicant will be responsible for providing solutions and support for the technical problems in the process of procurement, production, quality inspection and project implementation, as well as the coordination in addressing and summarizing such problems;

3. The applicant will take charge of the external technical exchange and communication of water treatment products, and keep the products and processes at the advanced level of the industry.

Age Requirements: Under 55 years old

Educational Requirements: Bachelor degree

Job Qualification:

1. The applicant should specialize in environmental engineering or related majors, with a bachelor degree or above;

2. The applicant should have at least 2 years' working experience in the engineering design of water treatment;

3. The applicant should be able to work under pressure, and go on a business trip for a short time, with teamwork spirit.

Support Conditions and Benefits Provided by Employer:

The company will pay social insurance and housing fund, and provide two-day weekend, regular physical examination, as well as birthday benefits.

Local Policies for Talent Support and Subsidies:

Policies of Taishan District and Tai’an City should be followed.

Expected Country, Region and Institution of Candidate: None

Employer Contact: Wang Nan

Contact Number: 13371011815

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