Sales Engineer

Source:Qingdao City 02-28-2022 10:47:35

City: Qingdao City

Employer: Qingdao Jerry Industrial Control Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry Sector: Next-generation IT Industry

Major Field: Intellectualization of artificial intelligence sector, as well as research and application of big data, rail transit, technology application at sea and in port;

Post Title: Sales Engineer

Number of Required Posts: 50

Timeline for Post Application: Permanent

Expected Duty Time:

Time Requirements for Working in Shandong: Full-time staff

Job Responsibilities:

1. The applicant should take charge of the customer development and sales of the company’s products in Shandong, and complete the annual working objectives and customer development tasks;

2. The applicant should handle the daily inquiry of customers and provide relevant technical support;

3. The applicant will visit customers regularly to get orders;

4. The applicant will follow up the whole process of sales, and take charge of the collection and the tracking of after-sales service;

5. The applicant should possess pioneering spirit, strong learning and communication skills, as well as good ability in coordination, immediate response and problem solving;

6. The applicant should be outgoing, with elegant temperament, and speak and behave in a proper manner."

Age Requirements: Under 40 years old

Educational Requirements: Bachelor degree

Job Qualification:

1. The applicant should specialize in automation, computer and other related majors, with a bachelor degree or above;

2. Those having experience in selling industrial computers and industrial control products of other brands are preferred;

3. The applicant should have passion in work, with capacity for hard work, and should be good at communication, with teamwork spirit."

Support Conditions and Benefits Provided by Employer:

Competitive salary will be provided;

The company will pay social insurance plus supplementary medical insurance and housing fund plus supplementary pension;

The company will provide a variety of subsidies for housing, communication, transportation, etc.

The company will provide two-day offs, legal holidays, paid annual leave, home leave and other holidays;

The company will arrange regular physical examination, and offer holiday gift bags, birthday cake cards, childcare nursery, childbirth allowance, activity funds and other subsidies.

The company offers integrated office space for working, entertainment and leisure;

The company provides canteen (free working meal), and single dormitory, etc.

The company will handle the registered permanent residence in Qingdao, preserve personal files, and uniformly manage the Party organization relations;

The company will provide fresh graduates joining in the company with systematic training, wonderful and diverse cultural activities as well as uplifting teamwork atmosphere;

Local Policies for Talent Support and Subsidies:

Each PhD student will be granted RMB 150,000 and each postgraduate student will be granted RMB 100,000 at one time.

Expected Country, Region and Institution of Candidate:

Graduates from Project 211, Project 985, Double First-Class universities

Employer Contact: Miss Liu

Contact Number: 0532-58570222

Contact E-mail: