Technical R & D Engineer

Source:Liaocheng City 02-28-2022 10:47:35

City: Liaocheng City

Employer: Shandong Jincailun Paper Co., Ltd.

Industry Sector: New energy & materials

Major Field: Pulping and papermaking

Post Title: Technical R & D Engineer

Number of Required Posts: 2

Timeline for Post Application: Before December 2022

Expected Duty Time: Before October 2022

Time Requirements for Working in Shandong: Part-time staff

Age Requirements: Under 40 years old

Educational Requirements: Master degree

Job Qualification:

The applicant should take part in the research and development of new pulping and papermaking materials and technologies suitable for papermaking.

Support Conditions and Benefits Provided by Employer:

The supporting conditions and benefits can be negotiable.

Employer Contact: Chu Yafei

Contact Number: 15063586677

Contact E-mail: