Yantai Area of China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Source: 02-28-2022 20:09:00

Area profile

It is located in Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone, with an implementation area of 29.99 square kilometers, including two national parks of China-Korea (Yantai) Industrial Park and the West Area of Yantai Comprehensive Bonded Zone, and is another major national opening platform and innovation highland for Yantai's reform, breakthrough and innovative development.

Eight Centers

Advanced Manufacturing Industry Center: Focus on five major industries including high-end equipment manufacturing, new chemical materials, biomedicine, energy conservation and environmental protection, and next-generation information technology, introduce Huawei's first artificial intelligence innovation center in the province, and rely on Wanhua Chemical Group to cultivate and build the only national technology standard innovation base in the field of new chemical materials.

International Trade Center: Focus on attracting foreign trade headquarter enterprises, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive service enterprises, foreign trade new business enterprises and other foreign trade growth potential enterprises.

Regional financial center: For multinational enterprises, lower the threshold for cross-border RMB capital pools, explore the qualified foreign limited partner system, and take the lead in carrying out the pilot reform of capital account income payment facilitation; the province's first "credit guarantee loan" provides credit enhancement for "asset-light, unsecured" small and medium-sized enterprises, helping enterprises to obtain financing easily and quickly.

Commercial Service Center: gathers the province's first free trade zone enterprise service zone, the province's first free trade zone government service center stationed in customs business, the country's first intellectual property protection center named after a free trade zone, and the province's first knowledge Internet Circuit Court of Property Rights. The country's first "China-Japan-Korea Investment Facilitation Transnational Office"; the country's first launch of the "four-in-one, three-in-one approval" mechanism for engineering construction investment projects, will compress the report preparation time by 2/3 and the approval time by 3/4, and reduce expenditure by nearly 60%.

International Science and Innovation Cooperation Center: It has attracted 27 "large institutes", including the Yantai Industrial Technology and Breeding Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Molecular Materials and Genome Engineering of Beijing Normal University, and the Institute of Intelligent Sensing Technology and Systems of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Yantai) to settled in, introduced the province's first Sino-Korea science and technology incubator base, and gathered three offshore innovation incubator bases including the Sino-Canada Biotechnology Innovation Center and the Sino-Russian Ocean Technology Innovation Center.

International Convention and Exhibition Cultural Tourism Center: with a total construction area of 550,000 square meters, and the International Convention and Exhibition Center and international brand star-rated hotels as the mainstays, after completion, it will become an inter-enterprise market that gathers the supply and demand of all parties based on the principle of free trade and the transaction of goods and services.

Marine Economic Innovation Center: Integrating elements such as maritime-related headquarters, scientific research institutes, featured finance, and technological innovation services, it is committed to creating a marine innovation and entrepreneurship community that integrates "government, industry, academia, research, funding, service and utilization". At present, it has settled in more than 10 high-end industry-university-research cooperation platforms including the Yantai Industrial Technology Incubation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

International Talent Port: With a total construction area of 60,000 square meters, it will become an international and open human capital service platform with distinctive free trade features based on Yantai, facing the peninsula, and radiating Japan and South Korea.

Investment demand

Machinery manufacturing: After years of cultivation, the mechanical automobile industry has developed into an important national mechanical automobile industry base. It has development advantages such as a solid industrial foundation, a complete supporting network, long-term planning, first-class policies and supporting environment, a special investment team and attention to the introduction and training of professional talents. At present, there are key enterprises such as Shanghai GM Dongyue Automobile Co., Ltd., Dongyue Powertrain Co., Ltd., and Hyundai Motor (China) R&D Center. In the next step, we will continue to focus on the introduction of advanced machinery and equipment manufacturers to expand and strengthen the equipment industry cluster. With the continuous expansion and development of Shanghai GM Dongyue Automobile Co., Ltd., we will continue to focus on the introduction of relevant supporting enterprises; we will continue to focus on the introduction of new vehicle enterprises. , especially the new energy automobile enterprises and related supporting enterprises; innovatively introduce enterprises in the field of robotics to create new industrial characteristics in the zone and achieve new economic growth.

Electronic information: After years of cultivation, the electronic information industry has developed into an important electronic information industry base in China. The electronic information industry cluster in the region has developed rapidly, with strong driving effect and policy support and encouragement. It has gathered key enterprises such as Foxconn Technology (Yantai) Industrial Park, Inspur Lejin Digital Mobile Communication Co., Ltd., and will continue to take advantage of the park's resources and policy advantages to accelerate the development of Foxconn Industrial Park and IT Industrial Park, and continue to create important economic growth points in the zone. Further implement supporting investment promotion, expand the industrial chain, and expand the electronic information industry cluster; consolidate and enhance the electronic information advantageous industry, strengthen the position of the electronic information industry base, and encourage the development of "new generation mobile communications, next -generation Internet core equipment and intelligent terminals,  new generation information technology projects such as integrated circuits, new displays, high-end software, high-end servers, digital, intelligent, and networked industrial automatic detection instruments and sensors, microelectronics and optoelectronic components, and various platform service projects relying on Internet technology.”

Biomedicine: After years of cultivation, the biopharmaceutical industry has initially formed four leading fields including biopharmaceuticals, modern Chinese medicine, biochemicals, and medical devices, and an industrial structure with more than 80 enterprises as the core, including Maidejin, Dongcheng Biochemical, Rongchang Pharmaceutical, Zhenghai Biological, New Era Health Industry, Progi, and Zhao Derivatives. The next step, we will further encourage research and development in the field of biomedicine, form a better research and development and industrial incubation system, promote the transformation of enterprises from industrial clusters to innovation clusters, make a group of enterprises bigger, stronger and better, resulting in a larger industrial radiation effect.

New materials: There are more than 80 enterprises engaged in the R&D and production of new materials in the area, including nearly 10,000 technicians, mainly in the fields of new chemical materials, special chemical fiber materials, high-performance polymer structural materials, and high-performance rare earth functional materials. It has cultivated a number of leading enterprises such as Wanhua, Taihe, Wanrun, Debon, Zhenghai, Luhang, etc.. It has several technologies such as synthesis, surface, interface, compounding, and special applications, and has more than 10 postdoctoral workstations and academician workstations, engineering center, and technology center, among which MDI, spandex, nylon, aramid fiber, liquid crystal display, LED phosphor, NdFeB permanent magnet materials and other product technologies are leading domestically. Spandex differential technology, meta- and para-aramid fiber, large Han powder, etc. are listed as provincial key new material projects. The first is to rely on Wanhua Group to build an industrial base with MDI, TDI, HDI, etc. as the core, PO, polyether and other polyurethane-related products as the main industry. At the same time, make use of the abundant offshore oil resources and excellent port resources in Yantai, and strive to build the chemical industrial park into a comprehensive oil processing base integrating oil storage, processing and transfer. Promote the initial construction of large-scale oil refining units, and build a petrochemical industry cluster around the oil refining industry; The second is to accelerate the development of polyurethane, polycarbonate and other industries; support the development of new material industries such as engineering plastics, special plastics, special polymer materials, general-purpose resin modified materials, and nanomaterials; expand the production scale of high-performance thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers; to expand the industries of rubber auxiliaries, plastic auxiliaries, and environmentally friendly high-performance coatings; to accelerate the development of reactive dyes, vat dyes, and biochemical products , Adhesives, food additives, water treatment chemicals, electronic chemicals and other fine chemical products.

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Tel: 0535-6395221