Gaomi Economic Development Zone

Source: 03-01-2022 11:10:09

Gaomi Economic Development Zone is a provincial economic development zone approved by the Shandong Provincial People's Government in 1992, with a total area of 27.19 square kilometers. Adhering to "one park, one characteristic", it builds a comprehensive commercial service area and a chemical industrial park, a high-tech industrial park, a high-end equipment manufacturing industrial park, and a Sino-German industrial park with a layout of "one zone and four parks". In recent years, the development zone has actively integrated into the national development strategy of the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone, adhered to transformation and upgrading and innovative development, and made every effort to organize and implement the "five major actions", including institutional innovation, opening up, industrial transformation and upgrading, green and intensive development, and business environment optimization. The comprehensive strength has been significantly improved, the supporting and leading role has become more prominent, and the proportion of major economic indicators in the city has increased year by year. Gaomi Economic Development Zone has successively won the titles of "China's Top 10 Low-Carbon Economic Parks", "National Top 100 Scientific Development Parks", and "Shandong Province's Advanced Unit for Foreign Economic and Trade Work".

Location advantage

It is adjacent to Qingdao, a famous coastal city in the east, and is located in the one-hour economic circle of Qingdao and the continuous belt of urban areas. The Jiaoji Railway, Jiaohuang Railway, and Haiqing Railway are crisscrossed in the zone, and the Qingyin Expressway and Weijiao Highway extend in all directions. It is 40 minutes' drive from Qingdao Port and only 17 kilometers away from Jiaodong International Airport. With the planning and construction of Qingdao's North-South Great Corridor, it will connect directly to Laizhou Port to the north, connecting the three northeastern provinces and connecting north and east Asia; it reaches Dongjiakou Port to the south, connecting Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and connecting the Yangtze River Delta. Gaomi Economic Development Zone has gradually become an important transportation hub connecting the north-south coastal channel of Shandong Peninsula. In particular, with the planning and construction of large-scale infrastructure projects such as the Jinan-Qingdao high-speed railway, the expansion of the Qingyin Expressway, the Jinan-Qingdao urban light rail, and the Qingdao-Shugang Expressway, the three-dimensional transportation network of Gaomi Economic Development Zone integrating aviation, highways, railways and ports has become more complete.

Industrial base

The industrial layout has been optimized. There are three major platforms of the provincial chemical park, the high-tech zone and the provincial development zone. Machinery and equipment, textiles and clothing, security products and other industries have obvious characteristics. A number of key enterprises such as Himile, Vosges, Xingyu and Jinyonghe have accelerated their rise, and the industrial development prospect is very broad.

Business environment

Firmly establish the concept of "serving the enterprise is serving the economy and serving the development", vigorously streamline administration and delegate power, comprehensively implement the power list, service list and negative list, build an efficient and convenient approval system, establish a project joint review and joint office system, and streamline 16 items of examination and approval, and the time limit for the completion of administrative examination and approval items in the district is reduced to less than half of the legal time limit. In response to the problems existing in the transformation and upgrading of industries and enterprises, we conduct pulse inquiries and targeted prescriptions, and implement "one-to-one" tracking and flexible personalized services in terms of legal consultation, policy support, and industrial guidance.

Gaomi Economic Development Zone has always adhered to project establishment and industrial development, focusing on the introduction of industrial projects such as security protection, mechanical equipment, intelligent manufacturing, port-side trade, warehousing and logistics, cross-border e-commerce, and projects from Germany and Europe. According to the development idea of "project park and industrial cluster", plan and build high-end machinery and equipment industrial park, high-tech industrial park, safety protection equipment industrial park, airport logistics park and other parks.

Contact us

Xu Yanan: 15621733717

Website: http://gaomi. gov. cn/kfq/