Zichuan Economic Development Zone

Source: 02-28-2022 10:46:00

Zichuan Economic Development Zone is a provincial economic development zone approved by the provincial government in 1992. After more than 30 years of development, it has become a new industrial city with distinct characteristics and strong development momentum.

Basic situation

Advantageous location: Located in Zibo city, central Shandong Province, Zichuan Economic Development Zone is a provincial-level development zone approved by the provincial government in 1992,with an area of 45 square kilometers and a population of 85,000. Adjacent to Jinan, it is the "heart of central Shandong" in the economic circle of the provincial capital. 90 kilometers away from Jinan International Airport to the west and 210 kilometers away from Qingdao Port to the east, it has a three-dimensional and powerful logistics channel.

Strong development strength: Zichuan Economic Development Zone has been awarded as "2021 Top 100 Industrial Parks in Asia for Business Environment", "Top 100 Development Zones with Comprehensive Strength in China", "China Science and Technology Innovation Demonstration Development Zone", and "Top 100 Innovative Industrial Parks in China", "National Science and Technology Support Plan Project Demonstration Base", "Best Investment Park in Shandong Province", "Provincial High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park", and "Provincial Civilized Unit"; It was awarded the "National Transformation and Upgrading Demonstration Park" by 5 ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission; it was approved as the "National New Energy Industry Base", "National Digital Smart Park", "Shandong Province New Industrialization Industry Demonstration Base", "Provincial Auto and Parts Quality Product Production Base", etc.

Strong industrial foundation: There are 1,416 enterprises, 2 colleges and universities (Zibo Normal College and Water Conservancy College) in Zichuan Development Zone, including 157 enterprises above designated size, 8 of them Fortune 500 enterprises. It has won 1 first prize and 6 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. It has 4 listed companies including Luthai Textile, Jincheng Pharmaceutical, Geely Automobile and Torch Energy, and 28 listed and trustee companies on the New Third Board and Qilu Equity Exchange Center.

Long cultural heritage: The development zone is the hometown of Su Qin, a political strategist of the Warring States Period, Zhang Zhifa, chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, and Pu Songling, the king of short stories in the world. Their traditional qualities of "harmony without uniformity", "respect for talent the merit", "reform, openness, pragmatism, tolerance and innovation" are the spiritual core of Zichuan Economic Development Zone seeking development, cooperation and daring to make breakthroughs.

Industry Planning

In accordance with the planning requirements of  "Top Ten Industries" of Shandong and "Four Strong Industries" of Zibo City, Zichuan Economic Development Zone integrates the industrial base, highlights its unique advantages, and focuses on the development of the 231 industrial system centered on new energy vehicles and modern logistics.

Automotive industry sector. With Geely Automobile as the core, create the development framework of "1 core and 4 parks", and make a 100 billion-level automobile and parts industry map. "1 core": With the Geely production base as the core, plan to build a 2,000-mu vehicle industry base. " 4 parks": build a supporting park consisting of four professional industrial parks, namely Seven Star Green Intelligent Manufacturing, Yunshang Intelligent Manufacturing, Taizhan Industrial Automation, and Zhongyi Advanced Manufacturing. Priority will be given to the entry of Geely's upstream and downstream supporting enterprises and high-quality auto parts manufacturing enterprises.

Modern logistics sector. Taking Haier Xinxing Logistics Highway Port as the core, on the basis of the construction of the second-phase logistics base, 1,000 mu of land will be vacated to further attract large logistics companies to settle in, enhance the throughput capacity of the logistics park for bulk cargo transportation, promote the integration of modern logistics + manufacturing, and realize "logistics empowerment" to build a modern logistics center in central Shandong.

Support industrial bearing sector.

Based on the existing 16 industrial parks, reorganize the parks, expand the biomedical industrial park, integrate the three biopharmaceutical parks of Jincheng, Hongzhuang and Zichuan, and promote the implementation of the Phase II projects of Simbainuo, Yimei and Hongzhuang. With Torch Energy as the core, around Mingtai and Jinkeli, we will do a good job in the layout of the new energy industry, and advance to the tens of billions of clusters. Led by Lulian New Materials, we will speed up the construction of Shanneng New Materials Industrial Park, integrate the new materials industry in the jurisdiction, and build a tens of billions of industrial bases.

Headquarters economic sector. The central CBD project will be launched in the near future, and efforts will be made to create a national-level development zone. provinces and cities strive to come up with relevant policies, to attract advantageous enterprises to set up headquarters in the development zone and strive to achieve development.

Investment demand

Manufacturing of complete vehicles, parts and high-end equipment  On the one hand, it takes 12 categories of midstream components such as automotive power systems, transmission systems, steering/suspension, braking devices, body exterior parts, and automotive interiors, as well as downstream supporting industries such as intelligent network connection, charging and swapping facilities, etc., as the access direction. On the other hand, it focuses on the development of high-end intelligent equipment, intelligent electrical equipment, industrial automation equipment, mining equipment, intelligent robots, and robotic arms, carried out by seven industrial parks, including Geely Automobile Industrial Park, Qixing Green Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Zhongyi Zibo Advanced Manufacturing Industrial City, Yunshang Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Zibo Industrial Automation Industrial Park, CRRC Industrial Park, and Lepad Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park.

Biomedicine The upstream industry focuses on the development of animal raw materials, microbial raw materials, cell raw materials and pharmaceutical R&D platforms. The midstream industry focuses on the development of biological preparations such as protein products, enzyme products, antibody products, as well as the production of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, medical devices, and animal drugs, and the downstream industries focus on the development of key industries such as Internet medical care, pharmaceutical e-commerce, medical care and health, pharmaceutical cold chain and warehousing, which are carried out by Zichuan Biomedical Industrial Park.

Laser equipment The upstream industry focuses on the development of optical materials such as light-emitting semiconductors and laser crystals, and optical components such as optical lenses, beam combiners, pump sources, and couplers; the midstream industry focuses on the development of mechanical systems such as fiber lasers, solid-state lasers, processing tables and robotic arms, as well as numerical control systems such as servo motors and controllers; downstream industries focus on developing complete sets of intelligent terminal equipment for lasers, including laser cutting machines, laser welding equipment, laser marking machines, laser engraving machines, laser drilling equipment, laser cladding equipment, laser medical equipment, laser beauty equipment, laser lighting equipment, Laser measurement equipment, laser communication equipment, laser cleaning equipment and 3D printing equipment etc., carried out by Qilu Laser Shared Industrial Park.

New energy and new material projects Include new energy batteries and additives, new metal materials, functional fabrics, functional ceramics, etc., carried by China Ship Power Industrial Park, Lulian Functional Fabric Smart Ecological Park, Yinghui Industrial Park, Fangda New Materials Industrial Park etc..

New infrastructure projects Vigorously develop new infrastructure projects such as 5G base station construction, UHV, intercity high-speed railway and urban rail transit, new energy vehicle charging piles, big data centers, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, etc., which are carried out by Luzhong Big Data Center.