Heze Economic Development Zone

Source: 02-28-2022 10:46:00

Heze Economic Development Zone is a provincial economic development zone approved by the provincial government in December 1992. With a total area of 232.5 square kilometers and a population of 370,000, it is the main functional area, the experimental area for reform and opening up, and the main front for economic development of Heze City.

Six professional parks

Biomedical Industrial Park: Covering an area of 5.9 square kilometers, the park plans health industry sectors such as "high-end food equipment, intelligent manufacturing, and Silicon Valley of medicine " in accordance with international standards, and is engaged in the R&D, production and sales of innovative and generic pharmaceutical preparations, modern Chinese medicines, biological products, medical devices and other products, as well as full-chain services such as drug testing, clinical trials, consistency and safety evaluation, and pharmaceutical R&D and sales outsourcing , to build a 100 billion-level pharmaceutical industry park.

Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park: Covering an area of 4.86 square kilometers, it aims to become a demonstration area for intelligent equipment manufacturing in Shandong Province. The product categories mainly involve 8 series and more than 60 varieties of internal combustion engine parts, pressure vessels, mining equipment, and electronic components. Focus on the development of high-end equipment manufacturing "4+3+1" industrial system and eight subdivided industries. Optimize and strengthen the four key industries of intelligent robots, automobiles and parts, intelligent key basic parts, and modern agricultural machinery; cultivate and expand the three opportunity industries of air conditioning and packaging equipment, molds, and intelligent instruments; actively deploy in one cultivation industry of drones to form a high-end equipment manufacturing industry cluster with strong competitiveness and outstanding advantages.

New energy and new material industry: The cluster development is basically formed. In terms of the automotive industry chain, based on the existing industries such as positive and negative materials, graphene, batteries, electronic controls, and core components, efforts are made to introduce supporting projects such as motors, vehicle manufacturing, and new energy auto parts.

New generation Information technology industrial park: Covering an area of about 0.54 hectares, the park cultivates and expands the technical service industry, focuses on emerging fields such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 5G, etc.. Based on the city's emerging advantageous industrial chain, expand application scenarios, explore industrial applications, and promote the rapid development of the industry. On the basis of the existing Southwest Shandong big data and Datang 5G industry, build a public service platform for big data and cloud computing, improve the ability of enterprises to use big data, vigorously develop the 5G application industry, extend and improve the industrial chain, and improve the integrity of the industrial chain. Improve the supply capacity of technical software, and further develop big data, virtual reality, and Internet industries. Foster and strengthen virtual reality and industrial Internet industry, attach importance to the construction of industrial Internet comprehensive service platform; promote integrated applications and strengthen the connection between supply and demand, accelerate going to cloud for industrial equipment in chemical, energy, machinery and other industries, and promote the construction of industrial Internet industrial parks on a pilot basis.

Headquarters Economic Industrial Park: It covers an area of about 1,000 mu, with a planned construction area of about 1.5 million square meters. Based on the status quo of Heze's economic and social development, the park takes advantage of the industrial leading industries and modern service industry foundations that have gradually formed in recent years, the park gives full play to the role of policy guidance and encouragement, targets well-known domestic and foreign enterprises, listed companies, and top 500 enterprises, and Intensify efforts to attract investment in the headquarters economic industry

Sino-Foreign Cooperation Industrial Park: Covering an area of 0.72 square kilometers, it focuses on attracting foreign capital and strengthening Sino-foreign cooperation. At present, there are more than 30 foreign-funded enterprises in the park, and the investors are mainly from the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions. The investment fields involve the manufacture of mechanical parts, pharmaceutical chemicals, biopharmaceuticals, metal products processing, fruit and vegetable beverages, cosmetics and organic fertilizer sales and other industries. There are 107 export-oriented enterprises, and the import and export business of Haoda Industrial, South Korea's Yuluo Electric, Tianjiao Biological, and Tianmei Biotechnology has developed well.

Investment demand

Focus on attracting the biopharmaceutical industry centered on innovative and first generic drugs, modern traditional Chinese medicine, medical devices, and pharmaceutical R&D and production services; the equipment manufacturing industry centered on auto parts, machining, and intelligent terminals; the new energy and new material industry centered on the new energy automobile industry chain; and new generation information technology industry with 5G equipment, big data and artificial intelligence as the core. Further integrate foreign-funded enterprises and accelerate the entry of a number of high-quality foreign-funded projects into the park.

Resource advantage

Both Yihai Thermal Power Plant and Heze Thermal Power Plant in Heze Economic Development Zone can supply steam. The main steam supply pipeline has been laid, and the daily steam supply capacity is 3,000 tons. A sewage treatment plant with a daily processing capacity of 80,000 tons is under construction and the drainage facilities are complete. Heze Economic Development Zone has a complete set of foreign-related service agencies and facilities, and has the only inland direct port in the province. Customs, "three inspections", and container transportation centers are readily available. The import and export goods of enterprises can go through the formalities of goods inspection, customs declaration, customs clearance, verification and write-off directly in the zone.

Preferential policies

(1)  Land charging standards: For industrial projects with an investment of more than 200 million yuan, the land price is negotiable. After the management committee of Heze Economic Development Zone pays the land transfer fee within 10 days since the contract is signed, the management committee will apply for the state-owned land use certificate for the enterprise within 2 months, with a period of 50 years.

(2)  Tax incentive policy: From the investment year, the local retained part of the income tax paid by the enterprise in the first two years will be rewarded to the enterprise, and the local retained part in the next three years will be rewarded 50% to the enterprise.

(3)  Power supply: To ensure the power supply of enterprises, the price of electricity used by industrial enterprises in Heze Economic Development Zone is about 0.54 yuan/kWh, the lowest price in Shandong.

(4)  Water supply: water resources are abundant, and industrial water is 2.6 yuan/m³.  Self-provided wells can also be drilled.

(5)  Heating: 180-190 yuan/ton.

(6)  Labor: The price of general labor is about 1500-2000 yuan per person per month, and that of the general technical engineer is about 2500-3000 yuan per month.

(7)  Standard workshop: The existing standard workshop is 100,000 square meters, which can be sold to enterprises at cost price or leased.