Yantai Comprehensive Bonded Zone

Source: 02-28-2022 10:46:00

Yantai Comprehensive Bonded Zone was established on April 27, 2020 with the approval of the State Council. The planned control area is 6.18 square kilometers and is divided into two areas: the east area is located in the Zhifuwan port area of Yantai Port, with an area of 3.92 square kilometers; the west area is located in Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone , with an area of 2.26 square kilometers.

Location advantage

Yantai Bonded Port Area is located in the north of Yantai City, with a planned area of 7.26 square kilometers. It is divided into four functional areas: port operation area, logistics operation area, public inspection area, and export processing operation area. The bonded port area has functions such as port operations, international transit, international distribution, and international procurement, and mainly conducts container dismantling, port value-added processing, logistics warehousing, and international container transfer and other businesses.

Direction of development

Yantai Bonded Port Area integrates the advantages of bonded areas, bonded logistics parks, ports, and export processing zones, and implements closed, information-based and intensive supervision of the whole area, and enjoys tax and foreign exchange management policies related to bonded zones and export processing zones. The main tax policies are: foreign goods entering the port area are bonded; goods leaving the port area and entering domestic sales shall go through customs declaration procedures according to relevant national regulations, and tax shall be levied according to the actual state of the goods; domestic goods entering the port area are regarded as exports, and tax rebates shall be implemented; the goods transactions between enterprises in the port area are not subject to value-added tax and consumption tax.

Agglomeration industry

Relying on the advantages of special policies and functions, vigorously develop bonded processing, bonded logistics and bonded services, initially established an industrial development pattern with port operations and bonded logistics as the mainstay in the east and bonded processing and manufacturing in the west, and created three leading industries of electronic product manufacturing represented by mobile phones, game consoles, notebook computers, etc., auto parts processing represented by metal accessories, instruments and interiors, and bonded services represented by commodity trade and warehousing logistics, which have laid a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the zone.

At present, the east and west areas have formed clusters of electronic product manufacturing projects around Foxconn Technology (Yantai) Industrial Park, Green Times, etc., an auto parts manufacturing industry cluster around Duor Auto Parts, Tajima Auto Parts, Belgian Delasso Systems, Novartis Precision, etc. , a bonded logistics industry cluster around seaport logistics, Golden Ocean International Logistics, Yantai Gendi Commodities, Morisawa International Logistics, etc., and a port operation industry cluster around Yantai International Container Terminal.

Port base

The establishment of a bonded port area must be based on a port with strong strength and strong competitiveness. Yantai Port was opened as an open trade port as early as 1861. There are 46 berths in the port area, including 23 deep-water berths, a warehouse of 95,000 square meters, a storage yard of 1.5 million square meters (there is still 2.2 square kilometers of usable area in the port area for development), a special railway line of 26 kilometers, more than 750 loading and unloading machinery and 34 ships, with a total asset value of 3.2 billion yuan. Due to its location at the forefront of the Bohai Rim region, foreign trade goods are close to Yantai Port, which brings it the comparative advantages of low investment and low cost. Now it has direct navigation with more than 100 ports in over 70 countries and regions, with an average of 262 flights per week; domestic shipping reaches the Jiaodong Peninsula and even the Bohai Rim region, and it is one of the important hub ports in the north.

Bonded Logistics Pilot

The pilot project of expanding bonded logistics in the processing zone has laid the foundation for the establishment of the bonded port zone. Yantai Export Processing Zone, upon the approval of the State Council, is one of the first batch of 15 export processing zone pilots in China, and one of the first batch of national pilot projects to expand bonded logistics functions on the basis of the original bonded zone.